Tuesday, December 30, 2008

When Two Worlds Collide...

Hello :)

I don't know if anyone reads this blog anymore and I don't mind if they do or don't :) This is the other side of me - fragile annie, fragile fighter annie.

I love being Annie Blackberry and I feel just so much warmth from so many people who I've met through my jewellery-making. It has been a huge blessing to me. Thank you to the total strangers and the now-friends who have helped make this year truly different and truly with-purpose.

Love Annie xxx

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Wow - it's been nearly a year since my last post!

I honestly think it's because Frederika died and I didn't want to tell everyone and myself the bad news. That's my darling pet rat in the last blog whom I miss incredibly. I'll see her in heaven though so I'm glad she's safe in God's hands.

In other nws here is a pic of my new triplet lab rats when they were babies...


Friday, April 13, 2007

Rat goes to Hospital

My poor little Freddie! I found three lumps on her - one on her groin, one in her neck and a small one on her foot. She had an operation two days ago and despite having Chromic Mycoplasmosis (incurable respiritory disease) and being under the anesthetic for an hour she survived! However, a day later she decided to pick out all her stitches, leaving her with a huge and bloody open wound - yuck!! Poor Fred :( So she had to go back to the vets to get her groin glued up and a cone put on her neck to stop her getting at her stitches. Needless to stay, I had to hang out with her the whole day to prevent her trying to get at them (regardless of being a conehead).

Poor Frederika. I love her so much.

The happy news is that the tests came back today and the lumps are not cancerous - yay! Thank you God!

Love you lots Rattie,

Love Mummy xx

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Freehand rat sketch from photo

Sketch from a photo from site 'Scary Animals' (for real!).

Another Rat Drawing

This is a freehand drawing I copied from my first coloured drawing. I'm trying to move away from outline-tracing.

Rats! Rats! Rats! My Rat Sketches

Inspired by the movie Miss Potter and always frustrated by the fact that I "couldn't draw", I sat down determined to draw my favourite animals and maybe one day write and illustrate a children's book. These are only my first attempts so please bear with me :) For this first sketch, I traced the outline form something off another website and did the colouring and shading and detail myself.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I am still here! Megan are you out there?

Megan - are you still out there? The Rabbit (Reuben) and I are looking for your blog :)

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Hello World


I've been trialling these new meds and I feel SO tired and out of it so I might not write much for a while. It's a combination of extreme tiredness but not being able to sleep properly at the same time. Hopefully the ups and downs will ease.

I was thinking last night about the phrase 'positive self-talk' and how counsellors and psychologists will often encourage people to think positively. So I said to God "Shall I start doing that? Is there merit in that?" and he said to me "Listen to the positive things I say about you and there IS merit in that." And was like "Oh yeah!"

I was also thinking about how different medications affect or alter my personality in some ways and about how I get confused and struggle to find who I am. I felt the Lord say to me, "If you hang out with me and keep me close then you will know who you are, You are in me and I am in you and you will always know who you are if you stick close by because I can tell you who you are."

If anyone's reading this, please pray for the extreme tiredness I feel, please pray that it will be lifted and that I can sleep in perfect peace. "I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone Oh Lord make me dwell in safety" (some where in the Bible).

Love Anna x

Monday, August 21, 2006


I haven't got much to report actually. At all. I eman I guess there's lots and lots of things I could write but there's nothing I fele like I should write or need to write which is great!

I wrote a poem today so I think I'll just write that out:


Perspiring droplets of thought
the concentration building to a crescendo
that rivals Vivaldi

piecing together particles of peace
trying to make a whole whole
but finding instead a whole hole
full of scratching sentiments
and sensibilities

Constantly, but never quite remembering
the remedy
tea on the deck with him
Owner of a thousand of the finest
tea plantations on a hill
that allow my thoughts to take root

none of that cheap stuff
for my short-haired heiress

the complexity of my simplicity
is my calling card
until God reminds me
I'm not in that line of business

Rest is under-rated
could be R-rated
the way I avoid it

Keep me and Calm me
I am my own undoing

Copyright Anna Killick 22/8/06

Hi to you Megan - hope you are well!

Anna :)